
The IA VIAJERO Sponsorship Opportunities

Spanish Speakers

Expand your brand

Don't limit your customer search to the English-speaking world. Spanish is the 2nd most spoken language in the world, and the purchasing power of the Spanish-speaking world is only increasing.

A 100% AI community

Better than a traditional newsletter, IA VIAJERO has a Telegram channel with daily content around AI news but also business opportunities with AI. Community members comment on each post, exchange ideas and actively participate in the life of the channel.

Audience and Reach 📈

  • Reach: 48,000+ and growing 3,000+ subscribers per month.
  • Audience: Entrepreneurs, Creators, AI enthusiasts & Freelancers (100% Spanish speakers 🇪🇸)
  • Average reading rate: 50%
  • Average sponsorship views: 20,000+
  • Average sponsorship clicks: 300 - 1,500 depending on relevancy and sponsorship copy
  • Cost: $300
  • Currently booked out: 3 weeks
Book your sponsorship here: pro@iaviajero.io

What you get as a Sponsor 🎯

  • When you purchase a sponsorship, you get one advertisement on our Telegram channel.
  • Your ad will be the only post of the day.
  • The post is published at the best time, according to the reading rate statistics we have.
  • You can expect 300 - 1,500 clicks to your website or offer, depending on the relevancy (not to mention the awareness).
  • Your sponsorship will also remain live forever on our Telegram Channel (5,000+ subscribers per month).
Book your sponsorship here: pro@iaviajero.io

Ads Creative Requirements 📄

The shortest, most intriguing ads are often the ones that generate the most clicks.

With that in mind, here are the creative requirements:

  • Ads are text (500 characters max.) and 1 image or video. Each sponsor can include 2 CTAs.
  • You will supply the copy, and we will edit it to fit our voice (and translate into Spanish).
  • Ad copy is due 72 hours prior to the post date.
  • All ads are subjects to editorial approval.
  • Here's an example of the sponsored post format:
IA VIAJERO Telegram post

Please Note: There are no cancellations or reschedules due to timing, availability, and holding the date. We also reserve the right to decline any sponsor that aren't a good fit for our Telegram channel. We also reserve the right to edit the copy to fit the above guidelines, publish the post at a different time, or run experiments.

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